Author: J.S. Thompson

J.S. Thompson is a retired senior government official with a graduate degree from the University of Texas. The subjects of his compositions are: Advanced and divine beings, aliens and UFOs, the physics of how the universal machine functions, advanced and divine technology, science and theory, the dynamics of a healthy economy and prudent government, as well as, all things mystical! His sincere intent and goal is “Universal Unity” and attempts with his writings… to inspire and to inject a philosophy which asks those that read them, to consider Eternal Life; not by primitive religion or beliefs but by God given logic that is inherent in each and every one of us.

IN THE TIME OF ADAM (Bible Myths, Part V)

Whether human or advanced, it is divinity that we all seek. Advanced beings seek to be one with the divine through technology but divine beings have the wisdom to understand and develop the technology that was already there for them to develop, a gift from God and all they had to do to have it was to learn how to listen, to put themselves under authority, to be submissive to the only one that knows”¦.Eve, Arissa, Moshazi Diablas, etc.! There is only one God but she has many names!

Advanced Beings-Aliens, Our Brothers and Sisters of Past Advanced Societies

Let’s face it”¦ no one truly wants to die and that’s why scientists are studying our genes, etc”¦ (we have been here many times before) but once they discover the secrets of other dimensional science and technology, they will learn there are ways to become immortal (just as this has been done in the past by our Advanced Being/Aliens brothers and sisters) but it has been done in the most primitive way with “science” (meaning mankind or not all known facts) advanced technology as written herein.

IN THE TIME OF EDEN (Bible Myths, Part III)

Judah 12,000 years ago was a true Garden of Eden, an island country. The ice age had swelled the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean forcing most of the animals and people to migrate south to Judah or Northern Africa in those days called Is Ri El, or the one God. These migrants from as far north as the Britons, Northern Russia, Sweden, Norway, Finland and all over Europe continued south until they came to Judah and Is Ri El and there they made their settlements.