DAHB’s Questions for J.S. Thompson: I have some questions regarding a paragraph you wrote in a response to someone else’s question asked on the DAHB website, regarding “our guides”. It is as follows for your quick reference: “When I…
Category: Telepathic Communications
Do You feel like You are Possessed?
Did you make contact? If so, you might feel euphoric and you might be terrified. Regardless, if you have made contact, at some point, your life will be pulled apart at the seams. Contact is addictive, maybe even more addictive…
Society on Earth Mirrors Life Out There
Question posed by one of our regular website visitors: If we are here on earth to learn our lesson and move on to Solamenta after this process, why are there souls in Solamenta that are not at the “level”…
Secrecy, Who are Extraterrestrials and Why are They Contacting Us?
Question posed by website visitor with respect to previous articles written by J.S. Thompson’s articles: You have covered several if not all of the questions I have previously asked. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and also,…
What about the Christ’s Letters?
Questions posed by website visitor as follows: Hello my friend hoping your well? I was wondering what was JS’s take on the Christ letters if he’s read them. Response provided by “J.S. Thompson-Mystic” as follows: I haven’t read…