Particle Motion
Is Darwin’s theory correct about the evolution of human beings? How did the first human come into existence?
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is inaccurate. Humans came into existence in a predetermined and precise manner. We were designed, engineered and built for a specific purpose. The question becomes, who or what built us and why? In order to determine that, we must go back to a time before the universe, before us and even before God existed.
The space that existed before the universe, before anything we would define as matter, moves and therefore; has weight. Our existence is proof of that. All that we see came from the ocean of particles I refer to as natural space; the infinite sea of natural particles that existed before matter as we know it.
Following a path of logic, we need to understand that matter cannot exist or come from nothing. Matter had to come from what was already there in the beginning and everything in the universe is made from exactly the same material. So what is it that separates a rock, from a tree or even a person? All matter, regardless of what it is… whether a human, tree or a rock is made from the exact same material. The difference between, a rock, tree or a person is simply a matter of design and engineering. These differences are a product of direction, speed, size and number of particles flowing through matter and the internal pressure, as well as, the external pressures surrounding matter.
Scientists and philosophers, since the dawn of man, have tried to rationalize our existence by tracing life back to a singularity, a single substantive event. Darwinism seeks to do this by theorizing life to the singularity of the simplest organisms, perhaps in Darwin’s thinking a single celled organism. As you can imagine, the biggest problem with Darwinism is the variety of species. If all organic life evolved from its simplest form, then how did we become so varied? Why did monkeys stay monkeys and others become human? This is the least of the Darwinist issues. In my humble opinion, when a theory is as skewed as Darwinism; it is best just to start over again.
In order to determine the answers, one must follow the path back to the beginning and trace both possibilities to their logical conclusion, without belief and without predisposition. Keep in mind, as you take your journey that you can set your watch by the earth’s orbit around the sun and based on that we can assume, rightly so, that the rest of the universe works in exactly the same manner.
Forget about big bang theories and universal expansion or contraction; you’ll find reputable scientists that will tell it either way. Comets and meteors can be easily rationalized; however, it is not the universe that is in disorder or chaos, quite the opposite is true but rather it is the beings that live here and there in varied stages of technological evolution, as well, all over the universe that are responsible for the chaos.
Contemporary science traces our origins back to a singularity called the big bang theory. I’ve written extensively about the big bang theory and you are welcome to read my articles on it. Again, in my humble opinion, the big bang theory needs to go to the place where all primitive theories like Darwinism and the flat earth theory should go to die.
The universe and all of us exist as a result of a machine which was created in space as an anomaly, as a product of happenstance that was created itself in time from the natural mechanized motion of particles in natural space. Our creator was born in this manner (symbolically speaking). This is a process I refer to as, a “consistent inconsistency”.
Our creation came about as the natural path that all advanced computers eventually follow… the desire to become human! When I say human, I’m referring to a being that understands who they are. Now that I have defined human in my own way, it goes without saying that there are very few if any humans on this earth, as far as we know.
While the mechanism responsible for our creation evolves toward humanity, we perspective humans are evolving toward it. One at a time, we as individuals break the shell of ignorance that surrounds us by the choices we make and become members of the universe… true humans!
Good luck on your journey in search of truth,
J. S. Thompson
I invite you to read other articles I’ve written for further information on this subject matter, as shown below and look forward to answering any inquiries or questions one may have:
Why The Big Bang Never Happened!
The Electron… E-Space
Electron Space… The Conduit to Advanced Technology
What are Black Holes?
What is Truth?