Is Matter Energy Condensed and Do We Live in a World of Illusion?

Nikola Tesla's Quote

Nikola Tesla’s Quote

Question asked Regarding Quote by Nikola Tesla: 

Nikola Tesla, once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration and we live in a world of illusion… is this correct?


Response by J.S. Thompson: 

The statement is accurate on one count but inaccurate on another.

Matter is energy but not condensed energy. Vibration and frequency is the same thing. So Tesla is close to the mark here but we are definitely not an illusion!

The problem with trying to define a very intricate multi-dimensional process with primitive contemporary scientific terms is problematic.

Some assume matter is condensed because we can perceive it but that’s not the case at all. The spacing and weight of the matter we do see is comparable to the matter we don’t see. One could say that science does not yet understand this; therefore, it’s just my theory.

However when we consider that the smallest particles of matter we can perceive are themselves made up of other particles and so on and so forth, it’s easy to presume we are an illusion but we must consider other possibilities. What we perceive or not, could be mistaken as an illusion but weight is another matter altogether. Even an illusion has weight.

When we look closely at matter, we perceive particles separated from one another asserting pressure on one another because of the magnetic field that surrounds them.

What is a magnetic field, static electricity or even electricity? Science has some theories but they don’t know. We use electricity but we don’t know much about it. Our knowledge about electricity is this; if we do “A”…..  “B” happens and then, we theorize about the rest.

When we look at the stars on a clear night, often they appear to be a solid mass of light but they are in reality…. great distances from one another. The matter we perceive is not so much condensed as it is very far away from the point of perception.

What is solid?

We take the smallest particle contemporary science can perceive and we theorize these particles are made up of smaller particles and so on. Where does it end? If it didn’t end, we truly would be an illusion but that’s not the case, it does end! Some say there are an infinite number of points that can fit between a set distance. If there exists a smallest particle that cannot be broken down into smaller particles then all of the grand theories of science to date must be reexamined. I believe there is such a particle. When we perceive matter, this is what we perceive. What we perceive may not be understood but it is not an illusion, it is frequency produced by motion, vectoring up from the smallest and most solid part of space. The word “space” is a primitive word as well. There is no space. Space is filled with matter which has weight. The universe has “infinite weight” but we are crushed by it. Why…. because the weight of the universe asserts pressure on us in all directions inside and out.

We perceive the earth, sun, planets and orbitals in our solar system and we assume that the matter of these is greater than the matter (space) which surrounds them. I propose that this is not the case. Going even further, I propose that we are surrounded by planets, suns and orbitals that we do not perceive, that are every bit as heavy and solid as the ones we do see! How can this be? One would assume that contemporary science could at least weigh something accurately. Not so! Until contemporary science truly understands the nature of matter, they will not be able to build a device that can measure it; one day they will, at least to some degree.

These new discoveries will launch us into a new age of advanced technology or multi-dimensional science and we will understand a bit more about this mechanism we call the universe. These new technologies could be a God send for humanity or they can open the door of a nightmare.

We’ve been at this crossroads many times before here on earth. Which way will we go?