Heaven, Paradise or whatever you choose to call it, is a community made up of those who have learned how to listen to their eternal voice that led them there. It is the same voice that is trying to lead each of us to the same place, when we are so inclined and ready to listen to it and follow it. It is, after all, the voice of logic and reason. When we begin to follow this path… there is a point, where we become logical enough in our thoughts and actions, that we begin to understand how this universal evolution machine works. When we reach this point, there is no turning back, because we “know” the right way.
Tag: Paradise
DAHB’s Questions for J.S. Thompson: I have some questions regarding a paragraph you wrote in a response to someone else’s question asked on the DAHB website, regarding “our guides”. It is as follows for your quick reference: “When I…
Fear of Asking or Praying to God for God’s Will to be Done
God is not selfless, why do you think you should be? To attempt the impossible is the highest form of self-deceit and the impetus for inner conflict. God created the universe and all of us to fulfill the desire for family. God wants us to desire the same thing-“eternal family”!
The Mayan Calendar Regarding 2012 is Simply Channeled Work
The Mayan calendar is channeled work and if there is one thing we should have learned by now, it is this… never ever listen to a date that comes from “out there”!
The Reality of Forgiveness
Forgiveness, like judgment and justice are human words that describe how societies feel about one’s behavior. Forgiveness (or any righteous action) requires energy; holding a grudge requires no energy on our part.