The Fall and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden by Michelangelo Buonarroti

The Fall and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden by Michelangelo Buonarroti

The earliest account of Genesis is a primitive recollection of an even more ancient event. This ancient work is not creative or symbolic writing. The writer is attempting to make sense out of a story that had been told and retold, written and rewritten for thousands of years prior to the work we call Genesis in the bible. The book of Genesis is an attempt by primitive man to make sense of our creation and the beginning of mankind.

Something amazing actually happened thousands of years ago. This event was so astounding that the remnants of this story even exist such as they are today. Let’s take a close look at Genesis and see if we can interpret what really happened!

With all of the work done by thousands of historians over the centuries, hypothesis, theories and concepts abound but no one really knows for sure, where this book came from or who wrote it! It’s important that we understand that the study of the bible is open territory. No one holds the key to its meaning or its beginning.

Logic tells us that there is a singularity that will take us back to a time of what would later be perceived as miracles. Our knowledge of the past is extremely limited but our ability to use logic, although seldom used, is the only tool that might give us some insight into this ancient account. Moreover, our understanding of the reality of these ancient occurrences could be the key to advanced technology.

Just as the primitive historians, story tellers and channelers did in ancient times, we too need to look for main events as we go through these writings and see if we can find some logical singularity.

The first two chapters of Genesis describe a simplistic and primitive explanation for the creation of the universe and that of man. However, the Garden of Eden where God placed the first man is significant, as it describes a landscape that is obviously so different from that of the writers that it bears mention. The writer does place this event in and around the area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers or what we would call today, Iraq. However we must consider that in those ancient times in which these events actually took place, the landscape of this area would have been much different.

The time period of this singularity took place prior to the last ice age and before much of Iraq and the Middle East in general was submerged under the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea. So we can pin an approximate time period of these singularity events to 14,000 years ago or 12,000 BC.

There is one other variable regarding the Garden of Eden that we need to keep in mind because it was important enough for the primitive historians to note. The Garden of Eden was a place where minerals were in great abundance, minerals such as “gold” and as the writer exclaimed, “The gold of that land was excellent” (Genesis 2-12)! The writer refers to this land as “that land”. It is possible that the writer was describing their own land, a land for them that was very different from their own but most likely the very same land of another time.

The next singularity variable describes, God’s commandment to the man to eat from all of the trees within the garden, but not from the tree of good and evil. From this tree the first man was forbidden to eat least they become mortal (Genesis 2-17) or immortal (Genesis 3-22). So what the primitive writer is attempting to describe is the transition of man from immortal to mortal (or semi-immortal as Adam allegedly lived for 930 years) by his desire for knowledge, by his desire to be like God! (Genesis 15, 16 and 17)

In Genesis 18, God creates woman. The writer of Genesis is having a difficult time here; it appears with translation as they are describing the man as not really knowing what the woman was, as God is trying to pacify the man’s loneliness by introducing him to all of his animal creations but none of them were getting the job done and so God creates the woman (Eve). The creation of Eve is interesting in so much as God had to put Adam into a deep sleep in order to remove one of Adams ribs to accomplish this task. So God created the woman (Eve) from the rib of Adam (Genesis 21). The primitive author is attempting to describe a process used by advanced beings to maintain longevity or a form of immortality. Advanced beings need mortals in order to maintain immortality and they do this in part by downloading the signature frequencies of their future lives. The study of genetics is a key element of the survival of our advanced brothers and sisters.

In Chapter three of Genesis, the writer describes the fall of man. In this story, to this point, we have three beings two humans and one being that had mystical, intriguing and miraculous capabilities but in chapter three another being enters the story, a being called by later translators, “a serpent”. So who was this being called the serpent, described as the most cunning of all of the animals that the lord had made (Genesis 3-1)? It makes sense that the translators of this event knew a little something about how this being looked. A snake, or serpent, has a large head and a skinny body and this is how this being must have been described in the ancient text or story that was recreated in Genesis. If we are going to follow the path of logic to a singularity, we are going to have to consider that this being was not a snake, as snakes don’t talk and snakes don’t deceive and snakes are not clever by human standards. These are the words used by the writer to describe the “serpent”. This writer was describing a being with a large head and a skinny body that could talk and was very clever.

God did not want man to have the knowledge of mortality but the serpent did. The serpent wanted man to die but God did not. When we read this story or any story, the reader identifies with at least one character in the story to some degree or another. We as humans identify with Adam and the woman but who were these two other beings that played such a huge role in our ancient past. Both of these other beings were obviously a great deal more advanced than were Adam or the woman. One of the beings was skinny with a big head and the other is not described. One was thought to be a creator or God and the other was thought to be a lesser being or at least that’s the way the author interpreted the data.

When Adam and the woman defy God and eat from the tree of knowledge, they are told by God, that they are now no longer going to “be taken care of”, that they are now responsible for themselves. With this transition, these humans would no longer be afforded the advantage of greater technology but instead would have to depend on their own primitive know how or knowledge. It appears that this new knowledge was not enough to afford them the care that had been given by another or others. Adam apparently became such a threat to this being, that God placed a security guard around the tree of knowledge or “cherubim” and a security device described as a “revolving sword” (Genesis 3-24)! It appears that God was just a bit insecure about Adam and what he had done.

When I read Genesis, I see humanity represented by Adam being controlled by a race of beings that were technologically advanced. I see a man who was working for these beings and when he rebelled against them, was forced to leave this sanctuary. There is no sanctuary that can rise above ones loathing for second class citizenship!

Reality exists as a result of empirical evidence, what we see or experience with our senses. A writer attempts to convey a concept, possibly known by the writer, possibly not. Writing anything that the writer intends for others to read is an attempt by one to teach another. Even science fiction is a way for a writer to convey or teach to others his or her philosophy, or to display knowledge in order to enlighten another. There is a fine line between fantasy and reality. All of us thirst for truth! All of us seek understanding and purpose for our existence but mostly, we seek immortality. One universal truth whether one is so inclined to admit or not, is our desire to live forever, if it is possible!

Humanity thirsts so much for the possibility of immortality, that they surround themselves with a false fortress called belief. It is one thing to believe in the possibility of immortality; it is yet another to know that one will never die. There are two ways for one to know that immortality exists while they are mortal earthlings; one way is for God to open up the door of death, when one does not die (mystical experience) and the other is through scientific discovery or technology. The doorway that God allows is experienced by only a few, and the doorway of technology does not exist, not yet anyway. However, what will science discover in a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand years from now? How far can technology progress?

How many thousands of years does it take for the remnants of a modern society, such as ours, if one had existed in antiquity, to be buried, used by the following primitive societies or have decomposed beyond recognition? As Albert Einstein once said, “I don’t know what weapons will be used to fight World War III but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”!

How many times has society gone through this cycle? Society transitions from primitive, to modern, to advanced and then the cycle repeats itself once again. This is the cycle of society and society has been through this cycle many times in the past! How long does it take a society to make the transition from primitive to modern? Archeologists can’t answer the question; neither can geologists or historians, nor can science. The best answer that can be given is… it takes several thousand years for a society to transition from primitive to modern. Science cannot give us the answers but logic can.

Current society is not far from developing weaponry capable of destroying modern society. However, even with all of our modern communications systems destroyed and power generating capabilities gone, modern society could rebuild itself once again. No, modern society will not be destroyed by modern technology; modern society will be destroyed by the evolution of an advanced society!

Advanced technology consolidates great power in the hands of a few and when this happens in the future, as soon it must, the division of society will widen. As technology becomes more advanced, knowledge becomes more specialized, more computer dependent. The more society depends on computerization, the more likely a society will evolve into a primitive one. A society that depends on physical labor will prevail but a society that is totally dependent on computers to do our thinking for us is doomed!

The story of Genesis is the story of the division of society, a society divided by the haves and the have not’s. A society where the haves were perceived as Gods and the have nots, either worshipped them or at least, served them but were taken care of by them and for good reason! The more isolated an advanced society becomes, the more elite and powerful it becomes and the more it needs those considered primitive to help them get what they need.

When we look into the future, to a time when technology affords man immortality, who will become immortal and who will not?

Let’s take a close look at the tree of life; is it the tree of immortality or mortality? When we consider advanced technology, technology that is so advanced that one can become immortal, there is only one way for this to happen and that of course would be a computer capable of making the necessary changes in us. Is it possible that the primitive writer attempting to recreate this event from ancient stories or writings was describing a place where humans became immortal? Is it possible that Adam was a human revolutionary, a person who was tired of being a second class citizen? Adam and those like Adam had become those willing to sacrifice immortality for freedom!

Adam took something from that computer and shared it with someone else and whatever he took, upset his master! However, he had an ally, the serpent who was not unlike his master. In the mind of the primitive writer, it was Adam’s master who created the universe however; the serpent doesn’t seem to think so as he was not intimidated by the God of Adam! (We’ll take a closer look at this issue in Bible Myths V)

What is immortality? Advance science will answer these questions but it would be a good assumption that one wanting to be immortal would not breathe oxygen; in fact every orifice of an advanced being’s body would have to be altered. Oxygen burns us up from the inside slowly. It’s ironic but the very element that gives us life… oxygen, is the very same element that takes life away from us. Advanced beings breathe but they don’t breathe like humans breath. Their physiology works just like their craft work; neither produce heat, at least at the atomic level of space. Any heat produced by advanced physiology or advanced craft is produced in quantum space. This is how advanced engineers overcame the heat issues that currently plague modern engineers today. Advanced machinery exists in multiple dimensions which mean the working parts of the machine do not make contact in atomic space, so there is no heat produced in atomic space.

Anyone can become immortal if they have access to an advanced computer that can make the proper adjustments to our human physiology. An advanced being does not breathe oxygen and all organs to include their genitalia, are removed. This is what the tree of life did, it provided immortality! This is what the primitive story teller was trying to convey!