Questions posed by visitor after reading one of our

Articles herein, “How God Came to Be and Who God Is”

Greetings. I am happy to have found you this afternoon. My name is Kaila and I’ve got so many questions but just to ask a few for starters,  1) How do you know God’s name is Arissa?   2) Assuming Arissa wants our company, as you state, does this mean she is trying to make us “evolve” (by the means of this physical machine) into divine beings not unlike herself?   3) If so, by her standards, what would our characteristics be, if we were to be able to communicate with her? (I.e. at that point, would we be capable of the technology vastly exceeding that of the physical plane?)  4) Lastly, which plane of existence does Arissa occupy? And how does her form take shape? Oops, one more last question,  5) Are we actually able to, by will, expand ourselves from the inside, so as to change our perception, orbit outside of our bodies, and go so far as to project outside of our space?


Answers provided by J.S. Thompson as follows:



  • How do you know God’s name is Arissa?   

 This was the name I was given.

  • Assuming Arissa wants our company, as you state, does this mean she is trying to make us “evolve” (by the means of this physical machine) into divine beings not unlike herself?

 Exactly…This is God’s plan. As we evolve towards her, she is evolving toward us. This is how a being as advanced as Arissa becomes part of a family. This being born from the motion of natural space, evolved into a being capable of creating the universe but creating family, is a task that takes almost as much time to achieve as it did for her to evolve into a being capable of creating this wondrous machine we call the universe. She waits for us to evolve into beings that are not unlike herself. She doesn’t need for us to be able to do what she does; there is no need for that. She waits for us to be able to understand who she is and how she accomplished what she did. This can be understood. If we can understand how Arissa came to be from the womb of natural space, then we can understand why she did what she did and what her plan for the future is.

When we understand this metamorphosis, we move to the next stage of our evolution, “becoming the type of people capable living in an eternal community”. When we do this, the cycle of life and death ends for us; then we move to the next level, which involves being of service to those who need help to evolve by not just talking to those who need help on the inside but also by being present on the earth. Evolution occurs both on the inside and the outside. Paradise cannot be complete until everyone in this solar sector is there. Then the cycle of life and death ends for all of us and we all go to work helping those in other sectors (solar systems).

  • If so, by her standards, what would our characteristics be, if we were to be able to communicate with her? (I.e. at that point, would we be capable of the technology vastly exceeding that of the physical plane?

When you leave the planet, you discover very quickly that you are the inheritor of extremely advanced technology. This is how our guides, who are just like you, talk to us. The technology has been there since long before we were created. Technology is how we go from here to there in the blinking of an eye. Our guides speak to us with an extremely advanced radio, for lack of a better term. This system of communication isn’t heard with our ears but through our emotions via transmission of frequency signals. This is how they help us to make good choices. They are choices that we, as individuals make; they can’t make us do the right thing, only suggest, sometimes strongly. However, when they speak to us…  there is an effect and they are always, always talking to us (just try monitoring yourself for one day and see how many emotions you experience). When you leave the planet, you will become a guide for someone on the earth and in this way… by helping others, we see ourselves. This is the cycle of growth, which when done properly… completes a circuit. A complete evolutionary circuit is completed when we finally see ourselves for who we truly are and make the changes necessary to become the type of people that can live in Paradise forever.


  • Which plane of existence does Arissa occupy? And how does her form take shape?

Arissa is a being who is distinctly human in every respect. She is an individual who has duplicated herself by way of a very advanced (divine) computer being Moshazi Diablas, as defined in the article “How God Came to Be and Who God Is”. Even her duplications are beings that are human in every respect and also individuals. God’s technology is so advanced that it is hard for many to understand it. However, we need to try as this is one of the primary ways we evolve.

  • Are we actually able to, by will, expand ourselves from the inside, so as to change our perception, orbit outside of our bodies, and go so far as to project outside of our space?

I believe you are describing an “out of body experience.” First of all, having an OBE is something that is done out there not here but before your guides allow an OBE, criteria must be met which includes strong desire, study, meditation experimentation, prayer etc…

When you consider this other dimension, see it like a military organization with very strict criteria. Our guides operate within boundaries that when not respected, result in serious consequences for their person on the earth and for them. OBE’s are serious business! An OBE is an eye opening experience. They are generally very short and for those who have had many of them; it is soon known that they are also staged. When guides start working with a person in this way and they are progressing, there is another stage that occurs; this is the process of allowing a person on the earth to go thru their experiences… often to go out there “Solamenta” and teach those there.  People who have gotten to this stage are seen “out there” with great wonder and so they attract a lot of attention. Just like on the earth, those who do something that attract attention can be used for great good and on occasion great evil as well. Arissa uses people who understand her, have done the work and are willing to throw it all away and dedicate themselves to the cause of eternal community.

I know that these are short answers to very complex issues. Continue to ask questions and when you have asked enough and the picture of God and God’s plan becomes not a matter of belief but a matter of logic, you are almost there. Make this your last life. Do the work in this life and when it is over, I’ll see you there.

Say this prayer with me…

I pray to you my Blessed Mother, our creator; please make me the type of person that will live in Paradise forever. Do to me what you will to achieve this. Let not my will but your will, be done…..amen.

(Feel free to use God, Heavenly Father, Our Savior, Allah, Holy Mother, Arissa or whatever you are most comfortable with. It does not matter to Arissa, provided you say the prayer with sincerity from your heart; she will hear it.)