Inquiry/Question posed by one of our website visitors: I am the founder of a paranormal research organization in Texas. My research in recent years and current research on an upcoming TV documentary have brought me to the prospect of…
Author: J.S. Thompson
J.S. Thompson is a retired senior government official with a graduate degree from the University of Texas. The subjects of his compositions are: Advanced and divine beings, aliens and UFOs, the physics of how the universal machine functions, advanced and divine technology, science and theory, the dynamics of a healthy economy and prudent government, as well as, all things mystical! His sincere intent and goal is “Universal Unity” and attempts with his writings… to inspire and to inject a philosophy which asks those that read them, to consider Eternal Life; not by primitive religion or beliefs but by God given logic that is inherent in each and every one of us.
When we leave the earth, some us at some time or another will work our way into the position of guide. Our guides are not much different from us; like the old saying “birds of a feather”… Even if we…
What Is The Soul?
The word soul is an ancient word that attempts to describe the life force inside of us that remains immortal after our earth lives have ended. As you can imagine, the ancient people who tried to understand this, had…
What Types of People are Capable of Encountering Divine Beings?
Anyone at any given time might have an encounter with a divine being. This can be done and is done in as many ways as one can imagine. When we consider divine beings making contact with humans, we…
Is Matter Energy Condensed and Do We Live in a World of Illusion?
Question asked Regarding Quote by Nikola Tesla: Nikola Tesla, once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration and we live…