Inquiry/Question posed by one of our website visitors: I am the founder of a paranormal research organization in Texas. My research in recent years and current research on an upcoming TV documentary have brought me to the prospect of…
Tag: carbon and radio isotope dating
Do Advanced Beings or Aliens Live Underground?
Question posed by website visitor: When you talk about advanced beings or aliens… “Living underground” in some of your articles, do you mean literally “live underground” and what is the purpose of those that do so? Answer provided…
Are Pleiadians here to help Humans Evolve?
The “lost and missing variable” in the equation and goal for all of us is to be immortal and also, to be completely human! Divine Beings have this; they have it all and everyone else wants to get it but divine beings are not going to let anyone have this that has not earned and deserves it!
Advanced Being/Alien… Genetics (Part I)
PART I I don’t like to refer to those people who live below the surface of the earth as alien or even advanced. Certainly, their technology is more advanced than ours who live on the surface but they still have…
Who are Advanced Beings… These we call Aliens?
Who are Advanced Beings… These we call Aliens and what Technology makes Them Advanced? Contemporary science is knocking on the door of “other dimensional science”! Scientists believe and rightly so, that if they can understand how an atomic particle is…