Primitive Man
Question posed by DAHB’s website visitor as follows:
According to your prophecy in your article writings, the earth is getting close to the end of a 12,000 year cycle and earth will experience another ice age. Does that mean that mankind has to start over after each ice age? If so, how long did it take and was society ever as technologically advanced as we are today?
Response provided by J.S. Thompson as follows:
I classify societies into three major categories; “primitive”, “modern” and “advanced”. A modern society discovers the internal combustion engine; whereas, the dominoes begin to fall and we wind up exploring, what I refer to as, atomic space. A society becomes advanced after they learn how to chart and map the inside of a neutron; whereby, they will then figure out and understand how the universe works. From these discoveries, advanced technology… then, becomes “other dimensional technology”!
With respect to your question, we have previously had other modern societies but it wasn’t the many ice ages that the earth has been through that caused this to happen. Modern societies can endure an ice age if they manage to “survive modern technology”. Even primitive societies can survive ice ages, as well as the many other natural occurring changes that the earth goes through during the four major12,000 year cycles.
Not only have we had societies that were as modern as we are today but we have also, had a few societies that have become advanced societies. Advanced societies, have discovered “other dimensional” technology that allows them extreme longevity of life… extremely advanced computers and “other dimensional science”. Many of these people are still with us today. It’s a very long story but advanced societies live way underground. This is a natural societal evolution!
So… to your answer your question, it is not the various natural occurring cycle changes that the earth goes through that causes man to become once again…. a primitive society, but modern technology. You don’t have to be a prophet to see that weaponry will eventually become so powerful, so easily hidden and so easily obtained in the future. It is not climate but terrorism that will force some of us to become primitive once again; there is an opportunity during this cycle as there have been in the past and where some will be given the opportunity and may make the choice to become advanced and they will move underground for safety. The rest of us will just have to fend for ourselves. I’m not saying this is going to happen anytime soon; it could be a while.
Thanks for the great question!
Good luck on your journey…..
J.S. Thompson
For those that may have further interest, I recommend you reading the following article which discusses a bit more about us cycling from “primitive-to modern-to advanced societies…..
“Do Advanced Beings or Aliens Live Underground?”