Being immortal is not easy! Consider being alive forever. If there were even one weakness in our character, in time, it would seek eventually to destroy us.
Tag: Machine
The Universe, the Economy and the Evolutionary Circuit
When we give to one another, we should always give it back; so, that we have a “complete circuit of giving” that will last an eternity. This is the way that the universe was designed to work properly for a desired effect.
We are Machines Learning to Become Divine Humans
The concept of a mechanized universe is not new; even ancient philosophers had enough sense to see it. Obviously, technology is not a sign of social intelligence…
Evolution from Biological Machines into Human Beings
We humans began life as very sophisticated machines but in the beginning, there was very little on our hard drive.
THE PRICE OF EGO-Stealing From Others
How many people consider the self- production of their insecurity as a valuable commodity? Unfortunately, most people subconsciously do!