Question posed by website visitor with respect to previous articles written by J.S. Thompson’s articles: You have covered several if not all of the questions I have previously asked. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and also,…
Tag: advanced humans
Why do Advanced Beings (Aliens) fear us if they are so intelligent?
Question posed by website visitor… with respect to one of J.S. Thompson’s articles “Do Advanced Beings or Aliens Live Underground”: After reading your article…. It sounds as if you are typically saying that these supposedly smart people live under…
The Myth of Adam and Eve, Who Were They?
Adam was a human who worked with advanced beings. Eve was not a woman but an advanced computer – “Eveas Triangulatus”. Of course the ancient writers didn’t understand what a computer was, so the resulting literature derived from that era, are allegorical in nature; however, they do describe an interesting and most important time in our history. It is this singularity in history that we all need to study and be familiar with because all religions that exist today found their beginnings in this relationship of man and advanced beings.
We are Machines Learning to Become Divine Humans
The concept of a mechanized universe is not new; even ancient philosophers had enough sense to see it. Obviously, technology is not a sign of social intelligence…
Do Advanced Beings or Aliens Live Underground?
Question posed by website visitor: When you talk about advanced beings or aliens… “Living underground” in some of your articles, do you mean literally “live underground” and what is the purpose of those that do so? Answer provided…