Category: Solamenta beings

Death and Enlightenment

When we leave the planet, nothing changes within us. We arrive out there, solamenta the same people that we were when we left the earth, with the same issues or challenges not overcome while on earth. Death does not enlighten us; however, there is one thing that we are instantly aware of; “we did not die”!

HELL… Does it Exist, Is it Real?

Hell takes many forms!!! People, who commit horrible crimes against the innocent here on earth are woefully surprised when they leave the earth as they are met briefly by their relatives but this reunion is cut short by the taunts of their victims and their victim’s families.

Are Pleiadians here to help Humans Evolve?

The “lost and missing variable” in the equation and goal for all of us is to be immortal and also, to be completely human! Divine Beings have this; they have it all and everyone else wants to get it but divine beings are not going to let anyone have this that has not earned and deserves it!

The Mystics…

God speaks through all of us, leading us steadily albeit slowly toward her. How we interpret the data we receive from God is a product of the level of knowledge and understanding gained from our many lives. The level to…