When we leave the earth, some us at some time or another will work our way into the position of guide. Our guides are not much different from us; like the old saying “birds of a feather”… Even if we…
Category: Souls
What Is The Soul?
The word soul is an ancient word that attempts to describe the life force inside of us that remains immortal after our earth lives have ended. As you can imagine, the ancient people who tried to understand this, had…
Society on Earth Mirrors Life Out There
Question posed by one of our regular website visitors: If we are here on earth to learn our lesson and move on to Solamenta after this process, why are there souls in Solamenta that are not at the “level”…
Do We Go to another Planet When We Die?
The façade of mortality we experience on the earth is there to allow advanced beings an opportunity to begin again and to evolve into those capable of living in an immortal community.
The Eternity Machine
Being immortal is not easy! Consider being alive forever. If there were even one weakness in our character, in time, it would seek eventually to destroy us.