Would Mankind have to Start Over after New Ice Age on Earth?

Not only have we had societies that were as modern as we are today but we have also, had a few societies that have become advanced societies. Advanced societies, have discovered “other dimensional” technology that allows them extreme longevity of life… extremely advanced computers and “other dimensional science”. Many of these people are still with us today.

The Myth of Adam and Eve, Who Were They?

Adam was a human who worked with advanced beings. Eve was not a woman but an advanced computer – “Eveas Triangulatus”. Of course the ancient writers didn’t understand what a computer was, so the resulting literature derived from that era, are allegorical in nature; however, they do describe an interesting and most important time in our history. It is this singularity in history that we all need to study and be familiar with because all religions that exist today found their beginnings in this relationship of man and advanced beings.

Was Jesus born from Immaculate Conception and did He rise on 3rd Day?

You asked two specific questions, “Were either of these men whom the bible speaks about born by virgin birth and did either of them rise from the dead?” It’s strange that you should ask as these two questions were hotly debated during these councils and there was one more. The three most debated issues that occurred during the many councils overseen by Constantine the Great and the children of Constantine were…”the divinity of Christ (which would include his resurrection)”, “the virginity of Mary” and the “holy trinity”.

Now, this is what we can garner from history and history of this antiquity is still being debated.

We’ve heard about history but you ask, what I know, because of what I do? Jesus and Jeshua were men just like any man and so the answer to your question is no; Jesus and Jeshua died and went to the same place we all go when we die. Did Mary conceive immaculately? “No!” Mary was the Mother of a great man but she was, nevertheless, a woman. Jesus had siblings and also fathered children, as did Jeshua.

What are We Becoming?

This machine we call the universe was designed, engineered and built for one purpose and one purpose alone… to develop a being capable of living in an eternal community. The creator of the universe, “the first being”- will be successful in their endeavor. However, “when” this happens is a matter of individual choice or free will. It’s not a matter of if, but a matter of when!

Who or What are Shadow People?

Our guides are always trying to get our attention but they can’t do what they want because all of their actions are controlled by an advanced computer. Probably all of us get to see these small an innocuous messages but only a handful of us take note of them.

Criminals and Punishment for Crimes in the Afterlife

Those that commit crimes need to understand we don’t ever get out of anything! All evidence (our life) is recorded on earth and thus, we’ll see in our life review! For the criminal, HELL can be real! Criminals find out very quickly that they are in peril, as they are greeted by the family(s) of the victim(s)!

The Reality of Forgiveness

Forgiveness, like judgment and justice are human words that describe how societies feel about one’s behavior. Forgiveness (or any righteous action) requires energy; holding a grudge requires no energy on our part.